Rasputia Piglet

As the Fall semester comes to an end, we are releasing a series of news articles in our CCTC: A Semester in Review Series.  Without further adieu, view the article below.

CCTC’s CASE Program Welcomes 7 Piglets into the World

On December 18th, 2022 the CASE program welcomed "Lillith" the Duroc gilt to the Outdoor Agriculture Learning Facility (OALF). We are proud to announce that on January 17th, 2023, she gave birth to 7 happy, healthy and thriving piglets.  Welcome to the world:

Courtney11:54 AM3.5 lbs
Penelope12:29 PM3.2 lbs
Forrest1:01 PM3.2 lbs
Bubba1:33 PM3.0 lbs
Jenny (runt)1:45 PM2.0 lbs
Rasputia2:20 PM3.6 lbs
Ryan5:53 PM3.0 lbs

Rasputia is being bottle fed and raised by Abby Bilbrough to get her back into good health.  When asked about the experience, Abby said “It was cool to see Dr. Weeman teach us all the ways to get the piglets out during delivery, especially when one gets stuck.”  She added “I was amazed how the little piglet connected with me and will come to me instead of others even after just a day!”

All of this would not have been possible without the help from our amazing industry partners.  Dr. Matthew Weeman of Bayside Bovine Veterinary Services, LLC provided invaluable assistance with helping Lillith farrow.  Megan Fabi of Burnite Mill Farm also provided amazing skill assisting in an emergency.  CCTC and North Caroline graduate, Lexi Eaton helped guide all students through the farrowing process.  We are incredibly grateful and thankful for the amazing support and experience these professions guided our students through during this process. 

CASE teacher and FFA Advisor Jodi Callahan added “It is overwhelming to see the amount of interest, dedication, and perseverance from the students and the community to support our efforts here at the Outdoor Agriculture Learning Facility. This experience makes us feel as if it is finally "back to normal" after COVID and we are moving forward to provide locally raised pork for our Food Services within CCPS."

Use the following link to check out pictures: https://flic.kr/s/aHBqjAp8kz